amateur clos up photo

Getting Close:Photographers use a number of artificial techniques such as chilling or gluing to keep live subjects still. In some cases the live subjects aren't actually alive. However there is something about capturing a living creature in a natural setting that these kinds of artificial setups can't match.
Live subjects may get spooked as the photographer gets close. The best close up photography requires the patience of a hunter. It may take many long minutes of slow movement to get close enough to snap a detailed picture. Often, just as the photographer is about to snap the picture, the subject wanders out of frame. As frustrating as it is, all the photographer can do is remain calm and try again. Human subjects often aren't much less skittish. Close up images used in fields such as medical photography can make subjects feel nervous or self-conscious and the photographer must be patient and wait for the subject to be ready.

amateur clos up photo