The new D300 with Kang Yui Racing Models

Kang Yui puffy cheeks expression. The puffy cheeks expression is a classic ... Modeled by Gu Ji Sung, Hwang Mi Hee, Jang Jung Eun, Kang Yui. The puffy cheeks expression is a classic look, which can be used in a variety of poses. This expression involves inflating your cheeks as if you are holding your breath. There are different degrees of puffiness, which range from mild (shown above) to an attempt to break the breath holding record (shown below).

Kang Yui
The new dedicated, right-handed INFO button brings the D300 up to the same level of usability as the D90. The dedicated INFO button lets you get to every camera setting and menu item using only your right hand! This button alone makes the D300s about ten times more valuable than the old D300.
The lack of this button is the main reason, as well as price, that I stopped recommending the old D300 a year ago when the D90 came out.

New Improved Rear Selector

The D300s uses the good rear selector, with the dedicated center button, from the D700 and D3, not the crappy old one-piece thing from the old D300.

New Dedicated Live View Button

If you use Live View (no one I know does), this is very important. The old D300 needed a bogus position on the rotating advance mode button on the top left of the old D300 to get in and out of this mode. Now, just tap the Lv button to get in and out of Live View, and while in Live View, tap the center selector button to start and stop movies.

Kang Yui Kang Yui Kang Yui Kang Yui