The Lady Iron Chef Joanna Liu Weitong

The movie "Sweet Relationship" (JULIE & JULIA) is also Taiwan's reality show, The Lady Iron Chef, 33, Joanna Liu Weitong tired of dull pink-collar life, think of a child has been determined when the chef, The Lady Iron Chef Joanna Liu Weitong 3 years ago quit his job, Blue Ribbon schools catering to the United States realize their dreams, after 2 years of rigorous training in home cooking, to share original recipes in the blog, 8 months to attract over 630,000 visitors, well-known producer Wang Wei also for her stunning, Joanna Liu Weitong for The Lady Iron Chef customized food program.

"Sweet Relationship", the women over 30 U.S. Secretary of Julie reading the writings of legendary cook Julia, decided to challenge Cordon Bleu cooking school, cooking day, follow the recipe book, also on the blog po cooking results ; real life, but also Taiwan version of "Sweet Relationship" real staged.

美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤美女食神 Joanna 劉韋彤