All Girls IBB Show 2009 [BB Gun Girl]

I have heard the same story time and time again, man goes to Thailand, man meets Thai girl, man wants to spend his life with Thai girl. It always starts of wonderful, they have a nice house and spend every moment together! Sadly, with the majority of Thai / Farang relationships problems start to occur when the family gets involved.

Firstly, people who visit Thailand and expect all these wonderful things need to understand that when a Thai is born, from that moment they are taught to protect and love family over anyone else! If a Thai mother gets sick, it is expected the children of that mother will tend to her needs! Dosnt sound so shocking does it? Well to many farang's, it is! They believe they are been scammed, or taken for a ride when a request comes in to help a mother in hospital. At times this may be true, and you may have found a despicable girl who is not worth your time, but in most case's they are real request's and they are only asking because they have the impression you are rich and can spare this money.

You get savvy on what to do, what not to do, when to do it, and where to go and do it. You'll know what it all means, and the ebook will give you the 'inside picture' to the world of Thailand.

Step two: Book your ticket to Thailand as soon as you can. When you arrive, prepare for the slam... the heat... an invisible hammer that hits you with its mighty force... rushes to greet you with the power of a thousand simmering angels...

And yet, before you know it, you'll be slipping down the long passageways inside the cool air conditioned airport. Get your bags, your bearings, your Thai girl book and prepare for your biggest journey. (Hey, Thailand is not as hot as you think :-)

Step three: Get out and meet and greet people. Prepare your name card, your few words of Thai, a nice hotel or resort with a funny name, and your best clothes. In this country, it pays to look good. Thai's like to be clean, fresh, and attractive. No kidding.

Step four: Just be you. Expect lots of questions. The Thai's want to learn English... speak English with you. You'll have a great, precious, remarkable time. Be adventurous. Be a tourist. Learn new things. Travel on the sky train.

Step five: That's it, all done. Remember though to keep light-hearted. The Thai's like to have fun, not be 'too serious' and will appreciate it if you show respect to the things that are important to them. The key word is enjoyment. Have fun.

Actually, there's really nothing to it. It's so easy (once you're here!) The main thing is to keep your calm, appreciate the beauty of Thai girls, seek out quality relationships, and let me know how it all goes, okay.