Googkai Thai School Girl with eye glasses

There are dozens upon dozens of books that take an in depth look at Thai history and culture. I am not going to try to emulate them here. What I am going to do is tell you what you need to know to make a comfortable transition. This is part 7 of a multi-part series.

Money Rules -
In Thailand, one of the major motivations behind obtaining money is to show others that you have money. Designer clothes, jewelry, luxury cars and the latest electronics all serve to instantly elevate one's position in society. The pursuit of wealth or at least the trappings of it is beginning to border on obsessive materialism. Average people are going hopelessly in debt in order to drive a nice car or even to purchase the latest electronic gadget. University girls are engaging in casual prostitution so that they can purchase a car, designer clothes and high end mobile phones. A recent poll of high school age school girls in the North East found that a frighteningly high percentage held marrying a foreigner (which they see as a quick ticket to riches) as one of their major life goals. Considering the current economic climate in Thailand and having seen other women in their villages with a foreign husband, a new car and a new house, perhaps the poll results are not especially surprising.