Chinese Photo cute and sexyface

I was born in Sydney, Australia and remained there till the age of nine. After that, I moved to California, which, up until recently, is where I have called home. My mom is a Chinese woman from Singapore and my dad is a Chinese man from Burma, so I am an easterner raised with the ideals of a westerner.

Living so close to Hollywood, I definitely felt the effects of trying to attain a perfect body. At a young age, magazines, TV and movies taught me that thin was beautiful; anything else was disgusting.

As a child and a teenager I was pretty lanky, maintaining a lean profile while consuming copious amounts of pizza, potato chips and candy. I never weighed myself, never dieted and never thought about my weight. By age 17, I was 5'6" and 120 lbs. People would always say things like, "You're so skinny! It must be because you're Asian." My biggest body issue back then was my dissatisfaction with my small boobs.

After high school, when I was around 20, I gained about 15 pounds. I was still eating the same as I had been, so I knew it wasn't the dreaded "freshman 15" people were said to gain in college. My metabolism just started sucking. My friend was on the Atkins diet so I jumped on the bandwagon myself. It worked very well. I lost weight and got down to my high school size.